Tail Gun Charlie

Tail Gun Charlie

Tail Gun Charlie is a vertically scrolling shooter arcade game developed by Namco and first released in Japan in 1988. Let's play now!

The player's job as a P-38 Lightning driver is to destroy enemy planes and targets on the ground while avoiding obstacles and gunfire. The game is known for its cartoonish graphics, fast-paced action, and extreme challenge. There are three levels of challenge that players can choose from: easy, normal, and hard. The bad guys in the game have a lot of different kinds of planes, including bombs, fighters, and kamikaze planes. Players must deal with ground objects, anti-aircraft fire, and planes. Tail Gun Charlie, which was one of the first vertical scrolling guns ever made, was a huge hit with both gamers and critics.

How To Play Tail Gun Charlie

  • Movement: Arrow keys or joystick
  • Fire: Spacebar or fire button
  • Bomb: Ctrl or bomb

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