Frogga is a classic arcade game where you play as a frog trying to cross a busy road and river to get to its home. Let's help the frog win!
Frogga is a charming and lovely frog with an adventurous spirit. In general, he enjoys discovering new places and is naturally curious about his immediate environment. Also, Frogga is a really kind frog who loves to meet new people. One day, Frogga crossed the river and the busy road to explore the other side. Fast-moving cars jam the road, and the river teems with logs and crocodiles. Avoiding the hazards and reaching the other side safely will require Frogga to utilize all of his abilities. Frogga, the player-controlled character, must cross a river full of logs and crocodiles while avoiding a busy road. The player can control Frogga's movement to the left, right, up, and down with the arrow keys. By jumping, climbing, or swimming to the other side of the screen, Frogga can avoid obstacles. To play the game, only one screen is needed. Across the screen, you can see the river at its highest point and the road at its lowest. In order to beat a level, Frogga must make his way from the left side of the screen to the right.