Tanuki Sunset

Tanuki Sunset

Tanuki Sunset is a popular .IO game. The graphics and audio are simple but lovely. Don't waste this chance; you'll be sad you didn't take it.

One of the best ways to improve your score is to put yourself in danger by getting close to the game's walls and edges in search of close calls and tight squeezes. Maintain your height and keep a safe distance from automobiles and other potential hazards.

It is possible to make changes with either the keyboard or an Xbox 360 controller. You should aim to rack up as many points as possible while navigating the winding roads and collecting Tanuki Bits to fill up your Bonus Roulette Meter. While cruising around Sunset Island, which is known for its sandy beaches, stunning mountains, and peaceful race, you can learn the fundamentals of longboarding. Show Tanuki how to do insane things like jumping off ramps and longboarding in reverse.

How To Play Tanuki Sunset

Controls - Xbox Controller:

  • Left Stick Sideways - Movement
  • Left Stick Up - Speed Stance (Hold)
  • Left Stick Down - 180 Slide
  • A Button or RB Button - Drift
  • Start Button - Pause

Controls - Keyboard

  • 'A' and 'D' or 'Left' and 'Right' Keys - Movement
  • 'W' Key - Speed Stance (Hold)
  • 'S' Key - 180 Slide
  • Space  - Drift
  • Escape - Pause